Sunday 5 December 2010

Winter Wonderland

There is a strange atmosphere at the moment.. a very pleasant one by all means but haven't quite figured out what it's all about!

Last week Dadda was putting up funny decorations around the house and a colourful calendar cropped up which I can open each day with yummy chocolates waiting for me behind little windows...

Then Dadda started going on about this chap called Babbo Natale and told me we were going to see him today...

So we went to the Winder Wonderland in Hyde Park today...

...and before I know it this guy is all over the place.. there were even balloons representing him!  So how damn popular is he!?

My favourite bits were the raindeer train with Mamma and Dadda...

....and then the cars.. I loved the yellow one!!

I look like I've been doing this forever!!   Don't I??

Alright, maybe not quite... but you've got to start somewhere don't you!?

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