Sunday 19 December 2010

My First Intercontinental Flight: EK008

Daddy had been going on about Thailand for weeks telling me about the elephants, the monkeys, the tigers and the sea we would see... he only bothered telling me this morning as he woke me up at 4.30am that we were off to Dubai today.. .where the hell is Dubai?  Is that near Hackney City Farm?  Are there animals there?  Oh well.. better take a few with me just in case!!

Well well well.. so that is the A380 out there?  Big deal!!! Check out my Zebra!  Must say though Dadda and Mamma were excited to be able to access this lounge as they scoffed up breakfast and stuffed all sorts of magazines in their bags!!

We got on the plane and it was immediately apparent that this flight was different from others.. as soon as I got on the flight I was given a parrot and lots of attentions.. those morons at Ryanair and BA never give me these types of attentions!  

... great I even had my own TV!  Good good.. they are showing Nemo now.. mmm... very fascinating...

Couldn't be bothered to watch the end of the movie.. thought I would catch up on some sleep instead!

...and then right back on track hopping up and down on Mamma's laps...

..and even entertained large parts of the boring passengers who couldn't bother even getting up... lazy bastards!!

The flight came to an end with no sweat and getting through customs was no problem for me and my Gruffalo!

Great stuff!  I even got my very first passport stamp!...

Let's go check out Dubai then!!

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