Monday 13 December 2010

Secret Santa

....Dadda has been telling me for some time that Sunday would be a great day of celebrations and that my best friends would all turn up too!  Apparently Christmas is coming up, my 2nd birthday is coming up and a big trip to Thailand is coming up too so Fabio, Clare, Manu, Vale and even good old Edo all turned up to visit us for an early celebration!  I was expecting to see them in the morning but I was sooo tired that I had to go to bed before I could see them arrive...

... and while I was fast asleep I gather they had a lovely time having lunch and a big bottle of "red water" right under my room... so it seems anyway...

....but then I got up in an instant as some noisy fireworks went off all containing funny objects and red pieces of paper which Dadda, Mamma and their friends put on their heads... what an odd bunch of people I say!!

... the old folks then all made up for having woken my up (also with 38 temperature) and as I entered the living room there were loads of big balloons waiting for my arrival!

And from then on it was games and attentions and fun all afternoon....

...and I even got a new horsy from my Secret Santa and another super cool trolley from zio Fabio and zia Clare!!  This one looking just like the Gruffalo!!!


P.S.  The ruthless sods didn't even leave me and giraffe one little sip of their red water!! ......

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