Tuesday 21 December 2010

Tino in Bangkok: Day I

Our first day in Bangkok was cut in half due to the fact that we slept all morning and only left the hotel after lunch... after I was awarded by Birthday Boy Star!

First Stop: Jim Thompson's House... and what a hell of a surprise when I found an elephant as big as me!!

..this place was wonderful... there were animal statues everywhere and more animals painted all over the walls!!

Second Stop:  While we were at it we explored the Siam Square area strolling through streets and back alleys...

Stop 3: We then took a peek at one of the largest shopping malls in town where we nibbled at some food that Dadda and Mamma picked up at the food stalls which they both seemed to like a lot except I wasn't that convinced...

4th and Final Stop of the Day:  Siam Ocean World!  


...and who would have imagined to find a raindeer looking tuk tuk in that place too!

Beep Beep!!

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