Saturday 12 November 2011


...another good reason to come and explore this part of the world was to visit this beautiful monkey sanctuary.  This was no zoo where monkeys were locked up in cages but rather a vast jungle where all sorts of monkeys in need were free to live as they wished within their communities until they were ready to be set back out in the wild....

look at that little hand.. it's as small as mine (but mine ain't that hairy!!)

... Wow.. these chaps do eat a lot of fruit!!

... hey cheeky monkey!! Did you have troubles with the hairdryer this morning!??!

So many amazing things to be seen I just didn't know which direction to look anymore!

... look out!  There is another monkey approaching on that brach!

Oh my!!  This turtle is HUUUUUGE!?!?

.... a moment for a pose with Mamma...

... and then a long suspension bridge to get to the other side of the jungle!!

... hey that guy is taking a nap right by the exit... do you mind if we get past!?

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