Thursday 10 November 2011


.. we fell rested and fulfilled and now finally blessed by a ton of sunshine... so back we went to the Cliff 
Path Walk for a lovely pic nic with a view on the ocean...

...of course there were whales all over the place and if you look carefully you'll find a whale waving it's tail out there behind my shoulders (look left!!)

...there was lots of running and hopping on rocks to do..

...and there were loads of other magnificent creatures to look out for too... what's that thing I see on that rock?!?!

a Cameleon!?!!

The sea was still pretty big and spectacular and we felt good we weren't to go out there anymore having seen the best of what the ocean had to show us!!

...but we did sit back nevertheless to take in the whale jumps on display... have a look...



...and 3... SPLASH!!

What a magical place in the world this is... a must see for anyone visiting South Africa!!

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