Monday 7 November 2011

Cape Point & More!

Day 2 in South Africa.. another super sunny day greets us as we set off early on a tour to the tip of Cape Point.

First stop: Camps Bay for a look at the view again...

... and for another photo shoot for more Asian tourists!! Becoming a bit of a celebrity!!

Stop 2: Hout Bay for view and plenty of jumping opportunities!!

Stop 3:  The Penguin colony on route to Cape Point.  Look how many!!

...perhaps I can squeeze one of those creatures in my trolley!?  

... we even saw a bunch of baboons by the road but chose not to leave the car as we're told they can be pretty vicious creatures!!

Stop 4: Cape Point... What a view!!  Yet still no whales to be seen!!

On the way back we took a stroll down Long Street where we picked up our new wooden chess table... 

...and I had a chance to keep the pigeons busy!

We couldn't resist the temptation of a sundowner at Camps Bay again but not before a good run on the beach...

... and then a shower to clean my feet before going for dinner!

... that sun is impressive..

 ....better get my shades on!!

... no better way to top the day than with some bubbles!!!  Cheers and cannot wait for what we have coming tomorrow!!!

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