Sunday 6 November 2011

Cape Town

First stop on our trip, inevitably was Cape Town.  We were blessed with lovely weather and a day packed with activities and surprises!!

Just a short stroll from our hotel was the Waterfront which looks far more like a luxurious European destination than what I'd imagine from Africa... except you probably wouldn't find a sea lion sunbathing on a dock like this... 

... and more of them popping out of the water in every direction..

... the weather was beautiful and welcomed us to a great start to our holiday!

... some lovely live music made our walk down the waterfront even more enchanting...

... more music came on later that morning which really carried me away!

...inevitably some Chinese couldn't resist my charm and couldn't stop taking pictures of me!

... then off we went on the Red Bus for an accelerated tour of the City and all of it's best spots...  How fascinating!! We even got red earphones to listen to all the details!!

... we eventually made our way up the lift to the top of Table Mountain!!

... what a great view from up there!!

... there was soo much to be seen there just wasn't any time to stop (Mamma and Dadda soon started questioning why they took the pram along with us!)!!  

...finally a lovely drive down to Camps Bay...

... where we found a buzzing beach full of bars and surfers catching the last waves before sunset!

...we've got to come back here!!

A fabulous first day in South Africa!!

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