Saturday 22 December 2012

Xmas Penthouse Gathering with Stevie & Carey's Family

...what a treat to be invited over to the penthouse Carey's family were staying in over Xmas in NYC!  A delightful buffet dinner in a cosy boutique hotel in the Upper West side... and what a lovely family our fiends have... great hosts and great times!!

What a welcome!

I got a lovely drawing set from Carey and lots of hugs from her too!

Here I am amongst Carey's family!!

then.. suddenly as my jet lag properly kicked in I found my second win for some crazy times with Carey's brother...  look at us having a whale of a time pulling some crazy moves out of our repertoire!!

Have some of this!!

And this one!

And more and more again!!

Eventually energy levels were drying up dramatically so time came to sit to one side... 

...and let Stevie & Carey's family get together as was originally planned!!!

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