Friday 21 December 2012

Finally in New York

... after months of hearing about New York, Stevies' house and watching the Madagascar movie endless times, we land on a cold wintery afternoon in New York City!!  This was meant to be a cracking holiday with Mamma & Dadda to celebrate Christmas, see New York, see DisneyLand & Miami and also head off to Curacao.. so well looking forward to a world of a time!!!

First Stop: Times Square for a portrait picture!!

And another one!!

... great to see Stevie!!  Here he is in his comforting apartment in the Upper West side!

Feeling jet lagged... I'll settle for a Stevie piggy back.. 

... Stevie takes us for a drink at the Columbia Alumni club in midtown... 

An early dinner in a bistro near our hotel in the Upper West and then off to bed... we still have to acclimatise in the new time zone!!

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