Saturday 22 December 2012

The Mochi Sismondi's go sightseeing in New York

.... travelling with Dadda is no mucking around... "far to much to see in the world..." he says ..."to stay in bed watching cartoons!"  

So with the aid of our jet lag hangover we were up at crack of dawn and browsed a bit of TV awaiting daylight to roll out of bed and onto the streets of New York!

After a coffee and a muffin in a nearby Starbucks we were on for a full day of sightseeing!

72nd Street... heading downtown!

Wall Street and Twin Tower memorial.. see we're right here on the map!

A lovely brunch at Pastis (one of Dadda's favourites!) with great ambience and such good service for kids like me!!  I get crayons and paper before I can even get to ask for a glass of water!!

Then off wondering again around the Meatpacking district...

...and then up to the Highline, a redeveloped overground railway reconverted into a green walkway to wonder up 10+ blocks from above...

Nice not to have car hazards and plenty of running opportunities to fight off the blistering cold!!

A nice view of 10th street and mid-town from the Highline...

Then back down to street level...

... already looking forward to roll myself on the beaches in Florida and the Caribbean!!

Afternoon in Central Park with Stevie & his lovely new wife, Carey!

...with so much going on, jumping in and out of shops, I had a chance to trip over several times and get one of these souvenirs under my chin!!  

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