Wednesday 26 December 2012

Magic Kingdom

Was it jet lagged or excitement I am not sure.. fact is we got to the Magic Kindom earlier than Mickey Mouse and all of Disney's characters!!! But it gave us a chance to explore the park before the crowds came through the gates....

...which got me to get a few early rides without having to queue for hours!!

Daylight arrived soon and I had the whole Magic Kingdom yet to explore!!

Major attraction was Maurice's house & workshop... we queued for almost an hour to get in!!  

Once inside we saw all of Maurice's inventions and most amusing of all... a magic mirror through which  we could see the castle where Belle was!

We saw talking clocks and chandeliers and eventually we met Belle too!  I was ever so nervous particularly as I was asked to take place in a little act for Belle herself!!!

Eventually I had a chance to meet Belle face to face and have a picture taken with her!!  How nerve wracking!!

The off to the flying elephants with Mamma and Dadda!!

And then we also met Ariel in her own grotto!!

... and there was plenty more fun and rides, one after the other... Her I was shooting at fancy objects in the galaxy ride with Buzz Lightyear!

Before leaving we couldn't miss Mickey & Minnie's show...

... and a last snap at the firework display!

A huge lollipop on the way out of the park summed up my day...

....I was all packed up and ready for bed well before darkness!!

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