Saturday 29 December 2012

More Miami South Beach

Dadda woke up a little cranky today... perhaps all the air-con and moving around?!  

Therefore Mamma and I taking the initiative this morning... so off we went for a nice breakfast at a local diner.....

Belly full and feeling up for another day of exploration!

Mamma feeling good after breakfast too!

We took a morning drive out to see Key Biscane..

...Little Havana...

...and the Art District...

... but of all places I sure liked Ocean Drive the most!!

We took a walk on the beach...

...and then refreshed ourselves in a cosy cafe populated by an interesting crowd and mix of cultures...

Some interesting cars we walked past....

Clearly the Miami folks have a better appreciation for kids at the bar too... no ID and no questions asked as we chatted away to the barman while waiting to be seated! 

Music is undoubtedly an integral part of Miami... it's everywhere.. loud car speakers play beats throughout town, and of course every shop, bar and restaurant pump their own tunes all day too...  it's natural that after two days in this city it just gets to you a little like this..

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