Sunday, 29 July 2012

Waiting in Puerto Viejo

...despite the early start and managing to catch the 6am bus from Cahuita towards Sixaola (Panama border), there was more bad news that simple rain for us...

The bus was never to make it to the border for reasons nobody was able to articulate in plain english or colloquial spanish...  the bus was simply to stop in Puerto Viejo and nobody was to make it over the border today.  That's it!

A little unsettled at the idea not to be able to reach our lovely resort in Panama that day and move in the direction the sunshine appeared to be... we took the news under our chin, found a hostel where to park our luggage and reorganise our thoughts and options.  In fact there weren't any.  We just had to wait as there was no way we could go back north and attempt to take a flight (overflow Babano river which also prevented Dadda from leaving the car in Limon as planned) and there was no way we could go south either... we were simply stuck in a 20km radius of land.... 

At least until a chap turns up telling me he will take me to Panama next day whatever happens.  There was a lump in the road (landslide I guess) and a crack in the road which would present some issue he tried to explain but we were guaranteed to make it over the border.  I trusted the guy and frankly I've wasted $30 a head on far less pressing matters before so we assumed that would be the plan for the next day.  Pick up at 7am next morning...

So we used the rest of the day sipping cups of coffee (and a little consolatory unit of milk for me)...

..watching timeless life go by....

... basically taking it pretty damn easy all day!!

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