Saturday 28 April 2012

Zwickau - Spring 2012

It's amazing how different Zwickau looked just a little over two months ago when we last came... it was -10C with snow everywhere then and beautifully sunny and warm this time!!  A lovely opportunity to check in with Omi and Opi as Mamma has left her old job (Helvetia Wealth) and is finally starting a new working adventure in her field next week!!

I hadn't noticed the rocking horse downstairs before!!

Omi and Opi took me to the funfair that had opened in town so we took a stroll through town to get there... (rigorously with my scooter).  We walked past churches...

...and parks...

...and finally we were in a little dreamland where I could ride flying dragons...  

...and ride motorbikes...

... under Opa and Omi's close supervision!!

As Oma and Opa took me back home, Mamma and Dadda went for a walk in the old town..

...where they picked up a toy that would soon antagonise my scooter as my dominant means of transport...

....a retro 80s style skateboard!!

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