Sunday 27 February 2011

Climpson and Sons

... it is the slowest cafe' in the world.. no question about that... but there is a nice feeling about this cafe down Broadway Market as often emphasised by the crowds of people queuing outside!

Not a single client to be seen other than ourselves at this time in the morning on a Sunday but still it took them a good 10 minutes to produce a caffelatte for Mamma and an espresso for Dadda!!  

I could even make them in a few seconds at home!!!

So let's have a look Mamma... what have you got in there!?

A croissant!!

Pretty yummy menu I must say.. Dadda really fancied the idea of the toasted brioche with the clotted cream and strawberries but appears to have a bit of a conscience call... he decided to settle for the cherry tart instead while I gobbled up my croissant as usual! 

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