Tuesday 30 November 2010


Mamma took me to Zwickau for the weekend but didn't tell me that it had changed soo much since I last went!!  It was covered in snow!! I wasn't sure whether I could trust this snow at first but then Oma Marlena showed me there was nothing to fear....

Here with Oma Marlena

Snow is cool don't get me wrong but I prefer it indoors just right now where it is much much warmer... chop chop Oma & Opa.. take me back upstairs it's bloody freezing down here!!!

Here with Opa Wolfram und Oma Marlena... 

That's more like it.. I love watching TV with Opa Wolfram on this comfy sofa!!

And mamma even took my to the Christmas Market and guess who I saw in a shop of handcrafts!?  


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