Monday 22 November 2010

Max & Chris in Town

What a Sunday!

I woke up from my afternoon sleep to find my old friends Max and Chris visiting from Barcelona!  What a lovely surprise!!!

And Dadda surprised me with a smashing new pairs of boots with footballs on them!!  Take a look!

Then uncle Lao popped round and off we went to the park and then we even went to the Hackney Farm!

All of my animal friends were there waiting for me and we even saw how they were all put to bed for the night... one by one the sheep came back home, the cows came back home, the ducks and chicken were all sheltered and .... you wouldn't believe it.... we saw Larry the Donkey come back home too!

Night night Larry!

Then after popping into the Royal Oak pub on Columbia Market for a quick pint I walked all the way back home and had a world of a time with Lao kicking the leaves!!

Again Again!

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