Thursday 28 March 2013

Easter in Zwickau!

Seems like no matter where we go we are invaded by snow everywhere!! Indeed Zwickau was just as cold as Zurich with plenty of snowfalls pretty much throughout our stay!

Cold and wintery weather aside (although worth mentioning as indeed the coldest Easter on my watch!) , Omi & Opi welcomed us as always with plenty of attentions!

For starters it was obvious Opa was keen on eating some eggs over the weekend ;-)

Opa introduced me to lots of decorations we could use for the occasion...

...and then later on we all had a go at painting the eggs!!

As always I got my share of presents from Opi & Omi (yes, I know, I am a very spoiled grandson indeed!)....

...and the best of all was my new Darth Maul sword from Star Wars!!! It makes noises and glows in the dark!!! Look!!

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