Saturday 6 August 2011

Yodelling in Switzerland

...Dadda managed to get Mamma to get back on the bike and off we went on a lovely ride in the countryside up and down the hills surrounding our neighbourhood...

Just before we set off though I had to go and visit that place near the garage where the snails come about every now and again...

then off we went on the bikes.. first stop was down the nearest valley where 3 horses live and were happy to greet us on our arrival!

... then up the hill (Mamma wasn't impressed) to Zollikon and beyond where we reached a farm full of cows of all ages and sizes... we even fed them!!

... and touched them!

... the morning was soo thrilling that eventually I had to release some of the excitement one way or another...

and to sum up the morning you just cannot top a proper yodel by an impressive statua on the top of a hill with breathtaking views.

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