Saturday 27 August 2011

Fabio & Clare in Kusnacht

... finally after weeks of waiting and no shows, Fabio and Clare came down to visit us in our new home...

Uncle Fabs showed up first so we took a morning drive around the neighborhood to introduce him to some of our long faced friends...

.... I had to show Fabio the statua as well which I am ever so fond of... gave Fabio a chance to get a bit of excercise too!!

Then there was the Kusnacht feast to attend.. free lunch and lots of people giving away freebies and playing impressive instruments....

... eventually Clare arrived (straight from NYC) so we made our way to the spielplatz for some fun and games..


... then on to the more serious stuff... ready steady... jump!!

...eventually we made our way around a table for a glass or prosecco and some yummy prosciutto & parmigiano!

Good to have you guys around again!

... I get it Dadda... that's the good stuff!

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