Monday, 29 August 2011

Ciao Ciao Fabio & Clare!

.... Fabio & Clare stayed on until the Monday afternoon so Dadda and I took the day off to spend more quality time with them... so we dropped the car off in Tiefenbrunnen and headed off to the Chinagarden!! Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

...I'm getting quite good at these things!!

... and here is a rare "milli milli" moment between Clare and a dog... impressive stuff!!  Perhaps it's just the British dogs that freak her out!!

... eventually Mummy joined in for lunch by the lake!!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Chaos Platz

.... I was hoping to make my way back up to Settel since I first set my heart on the place... so was delighted we decided to spend our Sunday up there with my Fabio & Clare...

So let's get down to business.... there is a reason why they call it Chaos Platz... and no wonder my Dadda ended up losing his Iphone while jumping around the bouncy castles with me!!

...a little paradise for me to mess about in...

... and play catch with Daddy...

...and squash my own nose at my own leisure!

...there were "deltaplani" flying high in the sky...

...and Clare had a go at chasing me too!

...Dadda's proud eyes kept staring at me...

....when they weren't wondering off to observe the beautiful scenery!

...a lovely pic of my dearest friends...

....and a good one for the paparazzi..

...before we all headed back down to the valley to marvel at this fantastic "self service" pumpkin store... the sort of thing that would be damn popular in Italy!!

Overall a bloody fantastic day!!!

IPAD Generation

... once upon a time grandparents and parents used books and toys to capture children's attention and immagination....

nowadays Steve Jobs has taken over in many different ways...

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Fabio & Clare in Kusnacht

... finally after weeks of waiting and no shows, Fabio and Clare came down to visit us in our new home...

Uncle Fabs showed up first so we took a morning drive around the neighborhood to introduce him to some of our long faced friends...

.... I had to show Fabio the statua as well which I am ever so fond of... gave Fabio a chance to get a bit of excercise too!!

Then there was the Kusnacht feast to attend.. free lunch and lots of people giving away freebies and playing impressive instruments....

... eventually Clare arrived (straight from NYC) so we made our way to the spielplatz for some fun and games..


... then on to the more serious stuff... ready steady... jump!!

...eventually we made our way around a table for a glass or prosecco and some yummy prosciutto & parmigiano!

Good to have you guys around again!

... I get it Dadda... that's the good stuff!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Sunset Dip

... there are many measures of quality of life... a pic nic and a dip in the lake after kindergarden or work is one of them!

Mammin... come back here!!!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Hiking in Brunni

... it's piping hot today and we all fancy taking a hike up the mountains so off we go again down the Brunni valley and up to the top of another mountain to explore...

...the first sight at the top was really quite spectacular and set the standard for the day...

... and even a little wee wee incident turned out in a laugh!!

... poster picture from the top!

... and with the impressive valley and mountains behind us!

... are those cows chilling out there?  Let's go and have a look!

... eventually we found a nice chalet with a reasonable view to enjoy a cheese rich lunch in proper Swiss style!

... and we had to improvise to get our energy levels restored...

Then it was time to head back down... sometimes walking...

...and from time to time with a little assistance!


...good job Sven volunteered to carry my pram up and down the mountains!! What a generous strong man!!

Hello Cow... do you mind us getting through??

... and finally after 5 plus hours walking we were back down... and all exhausted....

.. except me of course... always up for a little more mischief!!!

Oh.... and happy birthday Zio Leo!!!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Cata & Sven in town

... another fabulous weekend approaching (30 degrees) and this time it's Cata and Sven coming round to visit as they prepare to leave their lives in Munich and move on to Bremen...

... a great excuse to go down to the pub in Kusnacht by the lake and enjoy an afternoon after a run around in the spielplatz!

...what a luxury!!  As Mamma would say..."it feels like we're on holiday"!

time to go back home for a BBQ... don't understand why Dadda makes such a fuss about how difficult the bike ride is back hill.. get on with it!!  Keep pedalling!

... and finally a well deserved meal on our terrace!!!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Day 1 in Zurich

... we've moved a while ago and had a lot to do with unpacking, settling in, finding a job for Mamma, a football team for Dadda and a kindergarden for me... we also had lots of visits from grandparents and friends so this was really our first day of "normal" swiss life.... Dadda, Mamma and Tino all got up nice and early and walked down to the bus stop on our way to our new routines....

Sunday, 14 August 2011


... Sunday was the day we had to make up for the drama of the day before... so off we went to Sattel just under an hour drive!

Si parte... che bello l'"ovetto" (intesa per l'ovovia!)

e una volta in cima alla montagna la vista era suprema e miracolosamente si e' aperto dinanzi a me un mondo colorato... un parco giochi gigantesco fatto di castelli morbidi d'aria sui quali si puo' saltare e carambolare in continuazione!!  Yuppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Andiamo ad esplorarli Dadda!!

....catch me catch me!!

.... e' proprio bello qui... ci torniamo anche la prossima settimana?!

...magari la prossima volta mi butto anche su con il tobogan!

Saturday, 13 August 2011

2 punti e tutti a casa...

... partita la Oma Mali c'era tutti i presupposti per una giornata super in cima alle montagne con Mamma e Papa'...

...e invece percorsi neanche 500 metri da casa, fermandoci un attimo al centro reciclaggio per depositare i detriti della settimana il mio Papa' ottimista, forte della settimana trascorsa vicino a me, ha deciso di responsabilizzarmi con una scatoletta vuota di mais, chiedendomi di tenerla da sotto senza "assolutamente" mettere dentro la mano...

... e proprio cosi.. magari per togliermi la curiosita'... ci misi dentro la mano... e nel tentativo di tirarla fuori... usci' fuori un boato che agghiaccio' tutta la folla e fece impallidire di spavento i miei cari che mi catapultarono come razzi in ospedale...


... e cosi' seppur la prima apparenza era che mi fossi giocato la mano... alla fine ci ho messo una fetta del dito medio... (riusciro' ancora a suonare la chitarra??)...

.... e lo zio Stefano ce l'ha mica una maglietta di Paliano edizione 2010 per rimpiazzare quella ora impregnata di sangue?!

...menomale mi hanno fatto compagnia i miei amichetti e mi hanno risollevato il morale (...anche se pare l'anestesia abbia aiutato un po')

... ma il peggio doveva ancora venire... tutti in sala operatoria e 2 punti di sutura... con Dadda sdraiato sul lettino a fianco al mio semi svenuto dopo avermi visto perforare il dito tenendomi ancorato al lettino!!