Friday 4 January 2013

Last (& Best) Day in Curacao!

...finally everyone is fully restored in optimal form.. shame it's our last day on holiday!!!

So off we go straight up to the north in search of those lovely flamingos on route to the beach!!  You may spot a few in the very far distance behind me!!

Then off to the beach for a swim with Dadda...

...and then with Mamma of course!

...then some quality sand time... have to make the most of it before we get back to wintery Zurich!!! I might not see sand for several months!!

Here are Dadda and I building up our fortress!!

A lovely day for some canoeing in the open sea!!

Group picture before setting off for some lunch in yet another beach nearby...

Mamma and I well happy with a bit of food and liquids in our stomach!!

A final group picture after lunch!!

And we couldn't of course leave the island without one more round of 18 holes at the mini golf.. getting better each time!!!

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