Thursday 3 January 2013

Dolphin Encounter

... just when I thought i was back on track I had a difficult night with fever and was far from my top form when Mamma and Dadda were getting all set bright and early to head off for our Dolphin Encounter... something we had been looking for in months!!

I made treasure of the stock of medicine we had left and we went off to see what it was all about!

Was quite chilly as we got there well before 8am... and i was in no mood to get close to those creatures!!

Hey you!  Get off my Mamma!!

Felt much more at ease exploring the aquarium and making funny faces at big fish when I was at a safe distance from them!!

We stayed on for the dolphin show and then headed off home for a long afternoon nap hoping to shrug off those nasty bacteria that are still harassing me!!

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