Sunday 2 September 2012

Jucker Farmart

What a lovely to surprise it was when we turned up at the Jucker Farmart!!

The was a real pumpkin exposition with items of all colours, sizes and flavours!!

... and even better they made enormous creatures made entirely out of pumpkins!!

Most of them obviously inspired by the recent olympics!!

Here's another majestic display of a man on a horse!!!  Pretty impressive huh?

Indeed, as a farm, we did find the usual cuddly goat we could pat and interact with!!  

What I enjoyed best though were the stacks of hay we could climb...

... and jump on and off of non stop!!

Even Nonno joined in and had a go at it!!

Then we went off raspberry picking!! How fascinating that these jummy fruits grow on plants!! I got the hang pretty quickly and with all the grown ups adventuring down here I had all the best picks available at my height!!

Look how many I handpicked myself!!

Mamma - look!  Another one!

...from time to time we were greeted by historical aircrafts flying just over our heads and producing some impressive manoeuvres!!

Just before going back home we discovered a whole area made of labyrinths which we could run through!!  Not an easy task you know!!

What a great afternoon indeed!!!

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