Saturday 15 September 2012

In Emmenthal with Fabio & Clare

It's great to have Fabio & Clare over again... can never quite get enough of them!

...we capitalised on a lovely sunny day to make our way out to the Emmenthal region to check out some cheese!  

Boy do know their stuff out here!!

Fabio & I rock!

An obligatory go on the slide...

... and then on the swings before moving on to the next stop!

... after endless laughter at lunch and with Dadda at the steering wheel en route to Lucerne the guests and I took a well deserved power nap in the back!

... I almost had to pull Fabio out of the car but once out there it was well worth it!  Lucerne is such a lovely town!!

What a lovely portrait!

walking through Lucerne was just lovely and could have kept walking all day!!!

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