Sunday 16 September 2012

Around the Zurich lake with F&C

Another glorious day out there.. no better opportunity than getting out there on the bikes and taking our friends for a nice lunch and then around the lake!!

We started off with lunch at Fisch Stube to celebrate an early birthday for Zia Clare! 

the setting is really quite nice and the sun was doing a fabulous job for a mid September day!

Here i am doing my lion roar!!  Very much obsessed by Alex at the moment, the main character of the Madagascar movie!!

After lunch I spent some time teaching Fabio some football technique... how to strike a ball keeping my head down to keep the ball on the floor...

... this one shows me hitting the ball using my laces... take notes Fabs! make up for my lessons Fabio taught me a few drinks with a beer bottle that may turn in useful when I grow a little older!!

Big hug Fabs!

And good effort on that bike.. you should be happy I let you do all the pedalling today!!  Keeps you in shape!

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