Sunday 10 July 2011

Swiss Trip

... after celebrating brunch with Nonna we headed off to Schlieren to an antique market that was far from impressive... except perhaps the tower under which it unfolds...

... so we decided to make the most of our Mobility car and see a bit of nature and countryside as we headed off to Zug, which we discovered is far from just another fiscal paradise... it's a glamorous and pretty town sitting on a lake with a lovely old town....

and a nice backdrop of moutains in the distance...

... you'll never run short of an ice cold fountain in Switzerland to splash your hands and have a drink!

... can't quite remember what caught my attention here but chances are it will have been the herds of ducks and swans in the lake!

... then I discovered that balls are just used to be kicked about... you can also whack them around with your hands and they call it volleyball!  Impressive!

.... wwwwoooooooooooooow!!! Did you see the size of that owl!?

... the old town was really elegant and pretty...

... but I'm more for open spaces where I can run around and play catch with Daddy or jump up and down the big steps!

... the tongue out of the mouth appears to be a family trademark...

.... and no better way to top the afternoon than with a crappy ice-cream!

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