Sunday 3 July 2011

Kinder Zoo II

... a fantastic Sunday morning promted us to go and and show the Nonni how nice the Kinder Zoo in Rapperswil is (for me at least!)...

I knew elephants liked bananas but I didn't know they liked carrots too... they are just like me!! Come here cuties... come and eat this carrot!!

didn't realise there were dinosaurs here.... nothing can happen to me while I am in here!! 


.. of course I wasn't going to miss out on another go on the ponies (can you find me!?)

... and the sea lion show went on again but this time we made sure we had the best seats and could see right into the creature's mouth!!

.... had a quick look at the llamas too though I'm not sure I trust these things (and doesn't look like Dadda trusts them either!!)

... these cute litte goats always deserve some time and attention..

... Nonna even gave me a lecture on how goats make milk and where it comes from.. fascinating stuff!!!  I couldn't get my head off it all day!

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