Saturday 9 July 2011

City stroll with the Nonni

... Nonno was interested to go and visit a Brokerhaus (antique / second hand shop) that his friend Mario Poti told him was well worth taking a close look at..

... how have you guys kept me away from this kind of place... check out this fantastic old school electric guitar at just CHF 25!

shame it's so heavy I can't even pick it up!

Then we took the train to go up to the Uetliberg, the mountain overlooking Zurich to take a proper look from above...

the train ride was most enjoyable chatting away to that chatter box of Nonna..

... and the view once up there was most spectacular!

... luk luk you can even see Kusnacht from up here!

... we stopped in a little restaurant for a nibble but the kitchen had closed... good job the lollies were still on offer!!

... on the way back down Dadda took us all on an exploratory walk through the West side of Zurich... we had a great time jumping up and down stairs and walls on the quiet side streets and then topped up our water levels at each fountain we found!

... poor ol' Nonna might no longer be used to such walks and ended up with blisters on her feet so we had to pop into a pharmacy to get plasters..  these Swissies really have got everything planned out quite properly... just look at this. I found a toy section with a rocking horse inside the pharmacy where Nonna was delighting the crowds with her foot operation!

.... we ended up the day with a drink at Jacob's and then a typical Swiss dinner at the Zeughauskeller!... 

What a lovely day!

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