Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Absolutely nuts!

... there we go again.. out of the blue and with no apparent nut consumption I flared up out of nowhere and within minutes an ambulance was in front of the house with very nice people offering me a little donkey and inviting me to join them in their noisy vehicle... back to hospital we went!

This is what I hope you all stay well away from...!!

... 6 hours under surveillance and it soon came back under control so they let us back home again, thank god!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Arrivano Oma e Opa co' la chitarra!

.. non facciamo in tempo a salutare una coppia di nonni ed ecco che sbucano fuori gli altri due!

Questa volta Oma e Opa muniti di chitarra!!

Look Look!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Scampagnata con Dadda

.... Nonno e Nonna sono partiti e oggi Dadda e' rimasto a casa con me... a casa si fa per dire ovviamente.  Ci siamo messi in bici e abbiamo fatto un bel giro tra le colline a scoprire tutti gli animali e le attrazioni locali!

....poi una bella bevutina alla fontana... mi vedesse Mamma a far tutto da solo.. e se scivolassi??


Sunday, 17 July 2011


... questa ve la devo far vedere.. mentre ronfavo nel mio sonno pomeridiano Dadda ha preso la sua bicicletta e si e' avventurato nelle colline dietro casa e ha trovato di questo...
... ci siamo tornati un paio di volte a vedere la statua (o "statuta" come dico io) ma sto tizio mica s'e' fatto piu' trovare!!

Cappuccetto Rosso...

....'nuff said

Saturday, 16 July 2011


.. la colazione da Sprungli e' un must.. anche la nonna ne e' uscita stregata!

Guarda che cappuccino che ti fanno!!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Gauststube Weinberg

Una bellissima cenetta con i nonni al ristorante che tanto aveva attizzato l'interesse di Dadda ad ogni suo passaggio... ottimo cibo e ottima scelta di vini..

menomale che al conto salatissimo hanno pensato i nonni.. la nonna ci ride su.. nonno mica tanto!!

...poi tutta di corsa in salita verso casa!!

.. e un momento di relax prima di rientrare alla maison!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Swiss Trip

... after celebrating brunch with Nonna we headed off to Schlieren to an antique market that was far from impressive... except perhaps the tower under which it unfolds...

... so we decided to make the most of our Mobility car and see a bit of nature and countryside as we headed off to Zug, which we discovered is far from just another fiscal paradise... it's a glamorous and pretty town sitting on a lake with a lovely old town....

and a nice backdrop of moutains in the distance...

... you'll never run short of an ice cold fountain in Switzerland to splash your hands and have a drink!

... can't quite remember what caught my attention here but chances are it will have been the herds of ducks and swans in the lake!

... then I discovered that balls are just used to be kicked about... you can also whack them around with your hands and they call it volleyball!  Impressive!

.... wwwwoooooooooooooow!!! Did you see the size of that owl!?

... the old town was really elegant and pretty...

... but I'm more for open spaces where I can run around and play catch with Daddy or jump up and down the big steps!

... the tongue out of the mouth appears to be a family trademark...

.... and no better way to top the afternoon than with a crappy ice-cream!

Happy Birthday Nonna!!

Happy sixtysomethingth's birthday Nonna... amazing how you keep the haircolor at your tender age!!!


...we celebrated with a full on brunch at Hiltl in Zurich city center...  yummy!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

City stroll with the Nonni

... Nonno was interested to go and visit a Brokerhaus (antique / second hand shop) that his friend Mario Poti told him was well worth taking a close look at..

... how have you guys kept me away from this kind of place... check out this fantastic old school electric guitar at just CHF 25!

shame it's so heavy I can't even pick it up!

Then we took the train to go up to the Uetliberg, the mountain overlooking Zurich to take a proper look from above...

the train ride was most enjoyable chatting away to that chatter box of Nonna..

... and the view once up there was most spectacular!

... luk luk you can even see Kusnacht from up here!

... we stopped in a little restaurant for a nibble but the kitchen had closed... good job the lollies were still on offer!!

... on the way back down Dadda took us all on an exploratory walk through the West side of Zurich... we had a great time jumping up and down stairs and walls on the quiet side streets and then topped up our water levels at each fountain we found!

... poor ol' Nonna might no longer be used to such walks and ended up with blisters on her feet so we had to pop into a pharmacy to get plasters..  these Swissies really have got everything planned out quite properly... just look at this. I found a toy section with a rocking horse inside the pharmacy where Nonna was delighting the crowds with her foot operation!

.... we ended up the day with a drink at Jacob's and then a typical Swiss dinner at the Zeughauskeller!... 

What a lovely day!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Bonding with Nonno...

.. after the little accident Nonno and I got bonding together like nobody's business!

Here we are practicing the wheelbarrow!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Dramma allergia...

Dadda e' partito per un breve viaggio di lavoro a Londra e Mamma e' tornata al lavoro.. dunque oggi tocca ai Nonni prendersi cura di me per la seconda volta!!  Tra l'altro oggi e' giorno di festeggiamenti visto che e' il 40esimo anniversario di matromonio dei Nonni!!

... e proprio alla fine di una mattinata filata liscia come l'olio da un momento all'altro mi ritrovai gonfio come un anguria catapultato in ospedale per gli accertamenti...

... allergia alle noci e' il sospetto (che gia' avevamo)...

... il 28 Luglio avremo esami e controlli piu' approfonditi per capire cos'e' che mi fa diventare cosi'!

Non riuscivo neanche a muovere le labbra!!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Zurich Sightseeing

.. after a quick powernap we couldn't hold ourselves from giving Nonno and Nonna a quick sightseeing tour of our new city!

... Limmat River...

...il Grossmunster

... l'inizio del lago con le Alpi alle spalle..

... e swans.. swans dappertutto a cui abbiamo piazzato il pane usurato custodito da qualche settimana!!

Buon Appetito!


Kinder Zoo II

... a fantastic Sunday morning promted us to go and and show the Nonni how nice the Kinder Zoo in Rapperswil is (for me at least!)...

I knew elephants liked bananas but I didn't know they liked carrots too... they are just like me!! Come here cuties... come and eat this carrot!!

didn't realise there were dinosaurs here.... nothing can happen to me while I am in here!! 


.. of course I wasn't going to miss out on another go on the ponies (can you find me!?)

... and the sea lion show went on again but this time we made sure we had the best seats and could see right into the creature's mouth!!

.... had a quick look at the llamas too though I'm not sure I trust these things (and doesn't look like Dadda trusts them either!!)

... these cute litte goats always deserve some time and attention..

... Nonna even gave me a lecture on how goats make milk and where it comes from.. fascinating stuff!!!  I couldn't get my head off it all day!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Lo sbarco dei Nonni a Zurigo

... fatti abbracciare Nonno!!

... big kiss to Nonna!

good to have you here!

We headed straight down to the lake to have a welcome drink...

and then came back home to fine tune our understanding and share some cheeky looks!