Saturday 11 June 2011

Cuddling Goats at Hoch Ybring

... a lovely day to rent a car and take a trip out exploring the mountains around Zurich... so off we went to Hoch Ybring just under an hour from home...

... the view was amazing and put me straight in the right mood!

... look at those goats up on that mountain.. can we go and see them?!!

... we stopped in a mountain hut that was extremely child and animal friendly.. this was basically a farm on a mountain with lots of toys and games to keep little energy bombs like me busy all day...

.... I was jumping literally through the entire lunch!!

... and then took on the tallest slide I had ever confronted!

... there were ponies and horses of all kinds which we could get close to and stroke with no problems...

... and finally we managed to get close to those cute goats up on the hill...

... "mili mili" Mamma would say.. and indeed I did and the goat just couldn't help but stay!

... little kiss for the cuddly goat...

... you are a cute little creature.. can we take you home I wonder!?

... I just couldn't get enough of the creature but time came for Mamma and Dadda to take me away...

... and all in all it was just another lovely day!

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