Sunday 15 May 2011

Zoological Museum Zurich

.. on an uncertain day with sunny patches but announced rain on the way we thought to play it safe and take a trip into town to check out the animals at the Zoological Museum in town...

.. you wouldn't believe it they had soo many animals in there (though no way near as many as in the Natural History Museum in London) !! There was even an enormous giraffe I couldn't even take a proper look at it's face!!

... there was even a lovely chap on the phone giving me useful tips on the animals though I must say I still cannot fully understand the Swiss-German slang just yet!

... we could do with a map like this at home Dadda couldn't we!?  Then we know which animals to go and visit on our next holidays!!

... For example.. I want to go and see the Elephants here!!  

.. look look.. right at the south tip of India.. that is where I want to go and check out the Elephants again!!  (Dadda/Fabio - please take note...)

... that other big country there doesn't seem to have many animals but just a big patch of yellow land.. mmm.. might be interesting checking that out too.. perhaps with a trip down south to see the big 5!!

... they even had a tiger puzzle that we put back together!!

... a jolly good morning before taking our 912 bus back home..

... and taking a quick nap before getting back to my toys at home!! 

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