Monday 23 May 2011

A day off with Dadda

...Mamma has a trial day at Helvetia after being contacted by her old boss Herby... so Dadda took a day off to spend the day with me!!

So we jumped on Dadda's bike and hit the lake bright and early with a bag full of dry bread to feed the ducks... and I kept some for myself too!!!

... the bread was soon gone so it was time to get some exercise at the playground... check out my tshirt! 

... one day I could see myself drive down fancy coastlines with a boat like this!

... and then we spent more time on my bike.. getting pretty good at it now!

...later on Mamma joined us and we hit the forest near home for a ride, a breath of fresh air, a few kicks at a ball and then refreshing ourselves at the fountain!

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