Saturday 28 May 2011

Back in London

...exactly a month later we made our first return to London... day 1 was spent with a little sightseeing on a cool windy day...

... but that didn't stop me from craving for an ice cream!!...

... though I can blame it for spreading the ice cream well beyond the boundaries of my mouth!

It was soon time to head back to Leo's at Charlotte Court where a bunch of friends turned up for a catch up...  Julian is crawling like nobody's business.. just a month ago he was hardly moving!!  He'll be tying nots around me next time I see him (look how proud his daddy Axel is!!)

... then it was puzzle time with Leo and Manu...

... followed by some golf practice with Carlo... 

... but it seems the best was saved for when I was well wrapped up in bed sleeping...  

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