Monday 30 May 2011

Bloomberg Internship

...i'll have to remember to stick this one on my CV...

We started the day with some orienteering and meeting the local people including a full investigation of the fish tanks! that is a big one!

.... then we took a stroll in the office space and Leo showed me where he works...

... and he gave me a lovely red ball that he found one someone else's desk!

Then it was time to deliver the real work so we sat in a fancy Bloomberg meeting room where I shared my insights with uncle Leo!!

Sunday 29 May 2011

Lunch at The House...

with Fabs, Clare, Mimmo, Mirella, Alex and Michelle... look at them all drinking away...

... while I was concentrating outside trying to do a poo pooo....

Tino at the Emirates

... almost 2 years after the first time I came to this venue I was back with a bang.  Last time it was with Fabio and Dadda in the Emirates Box and this time there was only one way to beat that experience.. to make it to the ground!!  

It didn't take long for me to work out my way to the pitch (look carefully in the background)...

... is it us on now??

... then the Emirates corporate tournament was on and while Fabio was busy head butting his colleagues and Dadda was banging in goals I took a little rest in the stands with Mamma and my new cuddly Lion and a sip of milk....

... the view was quite impressive!

Saturday 28 May 2011

Back in London

...exactly a month later we made our first return to London... day 1 was spent with a little sightseeing on a cool windy day...

... but that didn't stop me from craving for an ice cream!!...

... though I can blame it for spreading the ice cream well beyond the boundaries of my mouth!

It was soon time to head back to Leo's at Charlotte Court where a bunch of friends turned up for a catch up...  Julian is crawling like nobody's business.. just a month ago he was hardly moving!!  He'll be tying nots around me next time I see him (look how proud his daddy Axel is!!)

... then it was puzzle time with Leo and Manu...

... followed by some golf practice with Carlo... 

... but it seems the best was saved for when I was well wrapped up in bed sleeping...  

Friday 27 May 2011

Return to Charlotte Court

There is always something special about Charlotte Court and always good to be back... Uncle Leo lost no time to practice my approach to the green...

... and exchange a few opinions on how life is going...

Zurich to London...

... just landed at City airport... nice to be in a cabby again... (at what now appear more than reasonable prices!!)

... can we go to Leo's house now!?

Thursday 26 May 2011

Chilling out with Zion

....let go of my legs buddy... that tickles!!

... let's watch TV and make funny faces like me!!

... here is the "fart" sound!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Micha popped in to say Hello!

...a surprise visit from Mamma's good old friend Micha on yet another sunny day!  

... this guy has a ton of muscles... I feel a little intimidated...

...actually he's pretty fun too... nothing to worry about in fact I can fly even higher thanks to those muscles!!

... and he joins in with me in the water fountains..... what fun!

.. and then an unmissable peak at the ducks in the canal... 

... a lovely surprise and another lovely day!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Seefeld watergardens...

.. now this i call service!!  A play groud with water features for me to splash in!!

.... give me that pump will you?!

Monday 23 May 2011

A day off with Dadda

...Mamma has a trial day at Helvetia after being contacted by her old boss Herby... so Dadda took a day off to spend the day with me!!

So we jumped on Dadda's bike and hit the lake bright and early with a bag full of dry bread to feed the ducks... and I kept some for myself too!!!

... the bread was soon gone so it was time to get some exercise at the playground... check out my tshirt! 

... one day I could see myself drive down fancy coastlines with a boat like this!

... and then we spent more time on my bike.. getting pretty good at it now!

...later on Mamma joined us and we hit the forest near home for a ride, a breath of fresh air, a few kicks at a ball and then refreshing ourselves at the fountain!

Sunday 22 May 2011

Friday 20 May 2011

Haircut and a stroll in Seefeld

... Mamma decided it was time to get the scissors out and get rid of some of my mullet...

... not very impressed...

... at least I got a little on the car with Zion... 

.... then a bit of lunch with Klodine and Zion in Seefeld... me what you got Zion?!

Hip Hop vs Breakdance...

... dancing away with my new friend Zion in Seefeld!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Swan Lake

... gosh there are soo many swans around here...

...and the lake is actually blue like in the books!!

Monday 16 May 2011

Api Bedai Dadda

... Dadda's first birthday in Switzerland!! Fantastic opportunity to celebrate with a bubble bath!!...

... and a tailored cake exactly the size of my mouth!

Sunday 15 May 2011