Thursday 28 April 2011

Hello Kusnacht...

.... I work up bright and early after a good nice sleep... 
...come on Kusnacht.. show us what you got to give?!

...impressive stuff..  our name was on the doorbell before we even picked up the keys!!  Very thoughtful of our landlord!  Names and titles appear to be pretty fundamental out here it seems..  So for as far as our Swiss names go please refer to Dadda as Herr Mochi Sismondi and to Mamma as Frau Mochi Sismondi...

.... and me... Roberto Mochi Sismondi... just Tino for my friends!  

As we opened up the doors it was love at first sight... I recognised the place we saw the month before and tested out the walls knocking my ball around the slick wooden surfaces!!

... Yes!  I could settle for this... particularly after being persuaded to eat a yummy pizza by the lake...

...while Mamma and Dadda got busy with some important paperwork... as you can tell from Mamma's look there must be a tricky question there she needs to get her head around.. perhaps something to do with numbers I guess!?

.... then no better way than to top the day with a bubble bath with Dadda and all my "amimos"

... give me a big hug Dadda!!

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