Saturday 8 June 2013

Edo & Natalja's Wedding

Getting well into the mood for holidays... loving the tunes on the way down to Italy..

Lovely to see everyone upon our arrival in Italy!

Great day to start a holiday.. lots of friends, great weather and a beautiful setting near Lucca (Tuscany)...

We start off with a dip in the pool after breakfast...

followed by a warm brotherly hug with Zio Fabio!

Before heading off for a stroll in Lucca we have just enough time for a penalty shoot out!!!

What a beautiful town Lucca is!!

And what a gem of a place we found for a nice lunch with my favourite grown ups!!

Group picture with my Roman Ziii before the wedding proceedings!

Group picture extended to the "WAGS" as well!

Am I really meant to play a role at the wedding?! What exactly is it I need to do with those rings!?  

Did I hear the word "present"??? OK then.. I'll put on my best smile and hope to see the goods delivered!!

Better make sure I grab a good handful of rice to chuck over at Edo & Natalja when they come out!!

A lovely day is always a function of the lovely people you have around!!!  Was nice to spend a full day with Fabio & the rest of the old London gang again!!


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