Monday 10 June 2013

Corsica sightseeing

First day of holiday.  Me a child of 4.  Mamma 6 months pregnant.   And a morning drizzle.  Dadda has a plan for all of us.  We get in the car and we derive  good hour and a half west in diretion Ajaccio to explore the lovely windy coast and inlands of Southern Corsica!!

After a nice bit of (expensive) fish we head off to the beach to make the most of the sun popping out...

Waves looking quite big today.. not sure I trust having a swim...

Let's do a bit of exercise instead!!

Will this thing hold me up?!?  Seems like it.. quite resistant indeed!!

Let's pick up a few more of these bambu sticks and have a little ninja fight, shall wel?!

Then off to Filitosa to look at the ancient ruins... 

not exactly my kind of thing but conveniently escorted on Daddino's shoulders I played the game, looked interested hoping I'd get appropriately rewarded on the way out!!

Right Dadda.. I get my ice cream now!?

 A top tay on holiday was topped up by a great dinner at Terramea, just a few miles from our B&B... Here are Mamma, Baby & I before getting seated...

And here I am with Daddino playing "indovinelli" waiting to get served!!

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