Monday 15 April 2013

Sechseläuten: a great excuse to go back to the Kinderzoo!

Everyone knows (...NOT) of the world famous Sechseläuten holiday in Zurich!  It's the day that spring season is declared open by giving fire to a snowman made of explosives, wood and paper sanctioning the end of winter!

For those of you that keen to find out more here is a link you can paste in your browser..äuten

Anyway, we chose to be contrarian and head the other way... instead of gathering in Bellevue where all of Zurich were expected to count the time it would take for the snowman to burn out, we heading off to the Kinderzoo which I hadn't been to in almost a year!

A nice bag of pop corn will make me popular amongst all these horses and ponies...

... nice open hand... hello horsy!!

wasn't expecting this intruder to be attracted by my pop corn as well... but the rules at the zoo are pretty clear.. no feeding to giraffes!!  Boy, you do have a long neck!!

After the usual sea lion show and the feeding of elephants we went to the bit I loved best of the whole zoo, the playground!!

This year it is time to attack the super slide at the top of the wooden castle...  Quite a steep climb... it required some close observation of some older fellows mastering the art of climbing up the circle stairs...

...then came the chord bridge with holes all the way to the bottom!!!  Wow.. pretty high up here.. and there is more to climb still!!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! That was faaaaast!!  One more time!!

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