Sunday 14 April 2013

Finally Spring!!! A day at Jucker Farm & Mini Golf!

Welcome back spring!!!  25 degrees celcius: time for shorts and T-shirts again!!  A perfect day to head of to the Jucker Farm and get wild on the hay stacks!! 

...climbing on tables..

...playing with broken branches... (Nonno & Nonna.. I'm told to reassure you that raspberries will indeed grow again in the fields behind me so that you can come and pick some more later in the year!)

As I got used to the other kids playing in the barn and got my share of hay thrown at me time and time again, it was my time now to play king of the castle and distribute hay to the ones below!! Have some of that!!

That felt really good and bloody damn cheeky!! ;-)

Alessia joined us too.... Here she is showing her the "rock" which her boyfriend Onur bought her!!!  

Later on we went to play a little mini golf.. maybe not as cosy and well kept as it was back in Curacao but it did the trick for me!!


Hole 14 was a real hazard for me... what a bummer!!

Hole 15 was pretty tricky too... that didn't keep me off from persisting until I made it through to the other side!!

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