Saturday 23 February 2013

Sledging in Unterwössen (Levin's 6 Birthday!)

The Berthold's were just down the road in their lovely Bavarian family home in Unterwössen and Levin was celebrating his 6th birthday so we popped down to see them for the day.  

Sven (Daniel's brother) was there with his wife Paolina and his two kids as well which made quite a big bunch of kids mingling for the day!!  

As I arrived Levin was well stuck in his his cousin and uncle building an igloo so I got myself a shove and made myself useful right away!!

After a nice "traditional" Bavarian pizza we hit the slopes with all our sledges!!  First was Wolfgang with Justus & Casper....

Off they went like rockets!!

Then Levin joined in with Dadda and I to give us extra weight and speed!!!!

Saskia was keen to have a go too so she took Justus for another ride down the hill!

Crazy Daniel decided to storm down the hill with his youngest, Sebastian (1 year old).  Can you see him!?  As he eventually managed to stop 100 or so meters later he needed several minutes to defrost poor little Sebastian!!

Great time with great old friends.. a nice group picture all together at the hilltop before heading down once again!

Posing with Dadda and Levin in my favourite position:  my trademark finger in the nose!!

On our last night at Wolfgang & Saskia's I was honoured to have Wolfgang and Saskia sing me a lovely song about a boy who walks down the street with a finger up his nose..

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