Sunday 10 February 2013

Glorious Day with our Neighbours in Pfannenstiel!!

There are good days and bad days... and every so often you get some absolute Glorious Days as well!

As we drove up to meet Job, Rozen, Fiene & Lize our jaws dropped at teh splendour of the views of the hills covered in snow!!

As we arrived at destination we took a walk into the forrest...

Here are Mamma, Job & Lize catching up with Lize's "all season proof" buggy!

Then weeeeeeeeeee!!! Down we went on my sledge with Fiene!!

HAHAHAHA!!! What a blast!!

Good times with Fiene.. shame she will be leaving us soon as they are all heading back to Holland soon!! :-(

Mamma & Lize cuddling at lunch!

A wonderful day wrapped up in a postcard!!

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