Tuesday, 26 February 2013

My Musical Side...

... it might be Mamma's rhythm or the influence coming through some of the east German roots of mine but when we took a morning trip at Kindergarden to the music store I felt very much at ease with these instruments!!

Here I am playing a piece on the Cello...

...and then having a fiddle at the violin!!

Dr. Lang again (scan 2)

Again time to see Mr. Lang and see what is going on with the baby!!  Oh my gosh... it really does look like a baby this time.. clearly curling her legs and sucking her finger too...

Totti goal celebration style!!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Sledging in Unterwössen (Levin's 6 Birthday!)

The Berthold's were just down the road in their lovely Bavarian family home in Unterwössen and Levin was celebrating his 6th birthday so we popped down to see them for the day.  

Sven (Daniel's brother) was there with his wife Paolina and his two kids as well which made quite a big bunch of kids mingling for the day!!  

As I arrived Levin was well stuck in his his cousin and uncle building an igloo so I got myself a shove and made myself useful right away!!

After a nice "traditional" Bavarian pizza we hit the slopes with all our sledges!!  First was Wolfgang with Justus & Casper....

Off they went like rockets!!

Then Levin joined in with Dadda and I to give us extra weight and speed!!!!

Saskia was keen to have a go too so she took Justus for another ride down the hill!

Crazy Daniel decided to storm down the hill with his youngest, Sebastian (1 year old).  Can you see him!?  As he eventually managed to stop 100 or so meters later he needed several minutes to defrost poor little Sebastian!!

Great time with great old friends.. a nice group picture all together at the hilltop before heading down once again!

Posing with Dadda and Levin in my favourite position:  my trademark finger in the nose!!

On our last night at Wolfgang & Saskia's I was honoured to have Wolfgang and Saskia sing me a lovely song about a boy who walks down the street with a finger up his nose..

Friday, 22 February 2013

Winter trip to see Wolfgang & Family in Bavaria!!

Daddino is very fond of his old german friend Wolfgang... and it was about time we synched up to meet his twins Justus and Casper who were now 2 years old!! Last time we saw them they were in Saskia's belly!!

Every day around Wolfgang always starts with a trip to the local bakery followed by a huuuuuuuuuuge breakfast to take in the energy required for the activities of the day! 

It became rather obvious that Wolfgang's lifestyle keeps both hands rather occupied at all times!!

As you can see Bavaria was pretty covered in snow too!!     I quickly bonded with these two friendly fellows and we started clearing up the driveway from the heavy snowfall from the night before!!

Here is Wolfgang borrowing my sledge to give Justus & Casper an early morning ride!!

Then off we went towards the Chimsee lake... I let Dadda take the lead on the uphill stretch in the fresh snow while I comfortably observed the scenery from back here!!

Wolfgang decides this is the right spot to make a snowman... unconventionally positioning it on this wooden sledge!!

Mochi Sismondi family picture on the snowman sledge (covering the snowman...)

A better portrait of the Heinze family inclusive of snowman now!!

Daddy's steering kids back home!!

... Saskia and Wolfgang reading stories to the kids before bedtime!!!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Ski Jump Lessons!

With weeks of practice and a scorching sunny day I felt well up for some jumps today...

1st attempt...

got a little further on my 2nd attempt!!..

Reverse angle (same attempt!)

Finally mastering the art of jumping (despite the fact I'm not actually jumping!)... Here is attempt 3!!!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Glorious Day with our Neighbours in Pfannenstiel!!

There are good days and bad days... and every so often you get some absolute Glorious Days as well!

As we drove up to meet Job, Rozen, Fiene & Lize our jaws dropped at teh splendour of the views of the hills covered in snow!!

As we arrived at destination we took a walk into the forrest...

Here are Mamma, Job & Lize catching up with Lize's "all season proof" buggy!

Then weeeeeeeeeee!!! Down we went on my sledge with Fiene!!

HAHAHAHA!!! What a blast!!

Good times with Fiene.. shame she will be leaving us soon as they are all heading back to Holland soon!! :-(

Mamma & Lize cuddling at lunch!

A wonderful day wrapped up in a postcard!!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

La Mia Prima Discesa!

... dopo aver preso la giusta confidenza con gli sci... eccomi alle prese con la prima vera "discesa" da solo...  

niente male, eh?!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Cup Cakes & German Classic Songs!

After another glorious morning spent skiing in Oberiberg, I was welcomed after my afternoon siesta with cup cakes and German Classic songs to sing along with Mamma!!

"Ich war noch niemals in New York...."

Afternoon Tea at Fin's!

...after yet another on the slopes with Monty, Claudia and Tristan we went to Fin's place for some afternoon tea and cake!!  Loved our setup at the kid's table!!

My first turns on skis!

Another weekend in Zurich, another weekend on the slopes!!  This time it was just Dadda and I (and in fact hardly anyone on the pistes given the clouds and snowfall!)...

Without distractions of millions of other kids and parents we found these convenient markers on the slope and started going through them all... before I knew it I had mastered making turns on skis!!

If you are keen to see me take on the first curves take a look yourselves!!

...and cleaning Dadda's car with my sole tongue!!!