Sunday 26 February 2012

Zollikon Pool

... we got taken away by all the snow and skiing and forgot to mention we've been attending the Zollikon swimming pool pretty religiously on weekends too!! Big pools, outdoor heated pools, medium sized play pools, baby pools.... even slides for all ages... 

There is plenty to do to keep us all happy in here despite the snow falling outside!!!

Just like with skiing, practice makes perfect... i reckon within a year I can get rid of these braccioli... wouldn't you agree?  Make it 2 max!

Best bit of swimming pool is after the shower and hair blower routine there is a nice pretzel waiting for me at the exit on the way home!!

And then it just gets better... there is no swimming pool morning session that isn't followed by a nice Spaghetti alle vongole!!!

I love this stuff!!

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