Sunday 12 February 2012

Freezing Zwickau!

...we crossed half of Europe in our new Nissan Qashquai to go and visit Oma and Opi in Zwickau....brrrrrrrrr it is freezing here too!!!

Look!  The Mulde river is completely frozen...

... so frozen the ducks have to sit on the ice until they can wiggle around in the river again!!

It was nice and warm inside their house though and Oma and Opi stuffed me with food from the morning... the evening!!

With -10C outside we were confined indoors during pretty much the entirety of our stay but that's OK... we found plenty to do... we watched Horton with Opi lying down on the sofa...

...we laughed...

...Omi Mali drew pictures for me...

..and I drew more pictures for Opi Wolfy!!

Time flies when you have good time and before we knew it, it was time to say Tschhhuuuuuuuuus!!!

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