Sunday 4 September 2011

Yodelling in Appenzell

.... not sure yodelling can get any better than here in Appenzell... we barely managed to park the car and there were a bunch of these chaps dressed up for the occasion yodelling away in a random backyard!!

... turn your speakers on and check this out!!

.... the town is a little gem of Swiss traditional architecture...

...after that delight we couldn't refrain from finding a nice spot in the open air for some traditional yummy home made looking pasta with melted cheese all over... they call it Spaetzli I believe!!  But not before getting all the crayons out for some colouring in as we waited to be served!!

... an ice cold Appenzeller beer for lunch is as good as it gets!

... it even gets Nonna in a creative moood fiddling around in the toy shop!!

...then off we went to the river to refresh our feet!!!

... brrrrr!!! It's coooooooooooold!!

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