Thursday, 29 September 2011

Bed upgrade....

.... some moments represent better than others the shift from one era to the next.. I guess pulling down the gate from a side of my bed represents one new form of "indipendence"...

... the novelty promises some great times ahead...

... we might just need to tweak a few things to get my bearings right!!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Funny Man!!

... dopo una pizzettata con Mamma e Dadda da Miracle a Seefeld mentre tornavamo verso la fermata dell'autobus...

...look Nonno look!  FUNNY MAN!!!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Radunata Mochi Sismondi a Milano

La Domenica a seguire di nuovo Parco Sempione ma cambiano i protagonisti.. ossia... dopo un avvio di giornata con Franco, Luisa, Cesare e Giulia ecco il cambio di testimone e ci ritroviamo a prendere un caffe' con Zia Livia e Zio Silvano...

... dopodiche' ci avviamo per un pranzetto in compagnia di Caterina e di Franceschino...

... effusioni generazionali...

...e un simpatico siparietto con Fransceschino alle prese con i salti nella piscinetta vuota..

Uan, Tooo, Treee, For, Faiv, Sics, Seven....

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Weekend a Milano con Papa'

... a sto giro la Mamma non c'e'.. e' a Munich con le amiche a godersi l'Octoberfest... e cosi' io e papa' prendiamo e partiamo con la macchina nuova di zecca in rotta su Milano..

arrivati la notte tardi dalla Lu' ci svegliamo tutti di buon ora e faccio conoscenza con i vivaci (non potrebbe essere altrimenti) figli di Luisa e Franco.  Con Luisa, Cesare e Giulia ci incamminiamo per il centro in direzione Parco Sempione...

... intervallati da pause telefoniche scandite dai gadget che fuoriuscivano dalla borsa di Luisa...

... e infine arriviamo al parco giochi dove oltre ai miei amati cavallini ho fatto conoscenza con un misterioso oggetto su cui sorvoleremo e di cui non diremo nulla alla Mamma...!

Dopodiche' tutti a fare un giro sul trenino..

Clicca qui per vede il video!!

..dopodiche' il Patio e la Serena mi catapultano da un lato all'altro della citta' per arrivare ai Giardini Comunali dove posso di nuovo prendere confidenza con le macchinine sulla giostra...

... e finalmente senza pause alcune torniamo a casa della Lu per una doccia e una boccata d'ossigeno prima di riprendere il via e presentarci in zona Brera per l'aperitivo!!

... ma non senza il tricicolo di Cesare concessomi generosamente per l'occasione...

....e mentre Papa' si scola la sua birretta io mi sparo un gelatino niente male...

... e una pizza e qualche drink dopo.. abbondantemente dopo il consueto orario della buonanotte mi ritrovo in branda svenuto sognando i palloncini e le giostre di Parco Sempione...

...e poi tutti sul trenino!!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Maia in Kusnacht...

...finally it was Maia's turn to come over to visit us with Chiaretta & Andrea... what fun!

 I couldn't stop hugging Maia and cuddling her!!  Such a shame that most of the time she wasn't interested and wasn't having any of it!!!

...eventually though she warmed up to me and conceded an effectionate embrace!!

From that moment we were like forever friends!!!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Kusnacht Beach

... who would have ever guessed we were going to end up spending a day in mid September chilling and sunbathing in Kusnacht by the lake!!

 Shame we didn't discover this place a little earlier!!

... there is even a slide to go splashing right into the lake!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Time to say "Arrivederci Nonni" again

... time flies when you have a good time...

here we are at the farewells again!  Let's keep in touch... we'll speak over the phone!!

Prontoooo.... prontoooooo!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Yodelling in Appenzell

.... not sure yodelling can get any better than here in Appenzell... we barely managed to park the car and there were a bunch of these chaps dressed up for the occasion yodelling away in a random backyard!!

... turn your speakers on and check this out!!

.... the town is a little gem of Swiss traditional architecture...

...after that delight we couldn't refrain from finding a nice spot in the open air for some traditional yummy home made looking pasta with melted cheese all over... they call it Spaetzli I believe!!  But not before getting all the crayons out for some colouring in as we waited to be served!!

... an ice cold Appenzeller beer for lunch is as good as it gets!

... it even gets Nonna in a creative moood fiddling around in the toy shop!!

...then off we went to the river to refresh our feet!!!

... brrrrr!!! It's coooooooooooold!!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Erlenbach Festival...

... not quite sure what this was all about but soon after the Kusnacht festival we attended with Fabio and Clare came the Erlenbach festival (just nextdoor)...

A wonderful opportunity to stock up on my baloon collection...

... and have a go on the "chu chu chuain" all on my own!!

Friday, 2 September 2011

The Roman Nonni's back in town

.... we never seem to have enough of our Nonni so here they are back in town to the rescue as I move into my new Globegarten Kindergarden...

Welcome back!!

Another drama...

... so just when we thought the summer dramas were over... just out of nothing while fiddling in the house with Mamma, Nonno and Nonna around...

BANG!!! I hit my forehead on the rough tiles on the floor and ended up with what might end up being a life long trademark of my own...


Good job they know me well at the Kinderspital by now and know how to get me back up and running and with a smile back on my face!!

...well back on track now!!