Saturday 26 March 2011

Home Hunting in Zurich!!

... not even the chance to have a real go at my new train track and we're already off somewhere else.. Zurich it seems is our destination... home hunting?? What is wrong with our own house??

Better put a smile on and ask no questions...

...Mummy is in a good mood no doubt...

...and clearly Dadda planned this trip picking the very first flight out of London City...

.... look Dadda!  Look!  Lufzoig!! Aerio!  Aipain!!

...Sod it.. 1 our 30 mins to destination.. better take a kip as I get the sense of this trip already... it will be another marathon!!

... preparing for landing over our new home..

.... silver side, Zurich city or Golden side.. where shall we go?!

... we'll have time to work that out... let's get this gruffalo safely to our hotel first!!

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