Friday 25 March 2011

Dadda is back!

... just when I almost thought my Dadda had turned his back to me for good.. he turned up at the house's footstep this Friday morning with a world of smiles and surprises....

.. and he even came to pick me up from nuffry (nursery) unusually early for a romantic stroll up the back streets of Hackney all the way to my favourite play ground off Columbia Road...

.... we had a world of a time... and finally I was let go of all my coat, scarf and hat!!  

... then a friendly Pakistani chap offered me a sweet that I took a good 10 minutes to chew threw while  Dadda took further advantage to bribe me on a luxurious trip home on a taxi!!

Welcome home Dadda!!

p.s.  Dadda notes that upon his return from 10 days in the Far East - despite expecting an indifferent and perhaps disturbed reaction from me - I reserved the greatest and bestest and cuddliest welcome for him and made him the happiest jet-lagged man in town...

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